I am teaching writing classes for college students. There are many things that perplex me about teaching, but I have to say that one of the most interesting has been the questions people ask me about my degree.
I'm not teaching higher-level courses. I only have my bachelor's degree at this point. I graduated from the school where I teach, so most of my colleagues and acquaintances know my level of education. I should explain that this is my first year, so I get a lot of the "what are you up to now?" questions. I teach writing. The most popular follow-up question is, "Oh, were you an English major?" And actually, it's often a statement, as in, "Oh, so you were an English major." My reply of, "I was actually a studio art major," rarely fails to confuse the person speaking with me. It's usually given away by a slight turn of the head along with a slightly gaping mouth, as if they want to say something, but are stuck. (My statement was just too shocking!) And then there is the crinkling of the forehead as the eyebrows get closer together.
One of my students seemed especially perplexed. On the first day we all went around the table doing introductions - the kind where the first person introduces him or herself, then the second person introduces him or herself plus the first person, building on this until the last person introduces his or herself and everyone else in the room. I had them introduce themselves with their name, their major, and one of their favorite books. I played too and told them that when I was in college I was a studio art major. We then went on to talk about the syllabus, etc. - just normal first day of class things. At the end when I asked if anyone had questions about anything, this particular student asked me how I could go from being a studio art major to being a writing teacher. I am not sure if he was questioning my credibility or wondering how he, a graphic design major, might also be able to become a good writer.
Why is there this assumption about art majors? Why do so many people think that art majors can't excel at academics? I have now met many art majors who think that they are incapable of writing well. But writing IS art. Is it just that they have been given boring assignments? Have they tried and failed and then given up? Is it something in their education? How did I turn out with a love of words while so many of my peers apparently decided that they were incapable?
I took an art class during my senior year in which we had to do a fair amount of writing. Our instructor had us read some excerpts from the book
A Short Guide to Writing About Art, which at the time I thought was ridiculous. We read sections that defined "thesis statement" in very simple terms. I thought, "really? Every senior in college should know this already." At the time I thought my instructor must think that either we were all idiots or she must really be out of touch with college-level work. Surely we were all capable of writing a thesis statement and there was no need to insult us with these reading assignments.
I am sorry to report that now I get it and I am in fact using the very same little book to teach a group of art majors (all seniors) how to write a research paper. The gods are funny like that.
I feel that there are a few possible reasons for my students feeling the way they do about writing, especially research writing.
1. They have adapted a narrow, stereotypical identity of artists that includes being poor at writing. (Were they taught this?)
2. They are actually just really lazy and/or are not interested in exploring ideas (good luck in the art world, kids).
3. They have been told that they are bad writers and have accepted this as truth.
4. They believe the myth that writing comes to people naturally, but do believe that people can learn to draw.
All of these things are terrible. As educators, I'm pretty sure that we can do something about 1, 3, and 4, and maybe even 2, but how?
Art and writing go together. How on earth could they be incompatible? Good art explores ideas, and good writing explores ideas. What needs to change in art education to encourage students to explore ideas through writing? I actually wonder if there is sometimes a problem of too little emphasis on ideas and conceptual concerns in fine art programs. Although I felt that there was, at times, an over-emphasis on concept at KCAI, I found myself missing that after I transferred.
Is there a way to make the visual arts more academically rigorous so that they gain the respect they deserve (art is hard!)? Is that even the right way to go? How do we debunk the myths and stereotypes about art and writing and give students a more accurate, honest view of what it means to be an artist? I guess the biggest question is: How do we get our students to think?