The group show is with the Women's Caucus for Art.
RAISING OUR VOICES is a traveling mail art members' exhibition to benefit the Differently Minded Art Studio at the Urban Art Retreat, sponsored by the St. Louis Chapter of the National Women's Caucus for Art. The exhibit will be shown at:
Fort Gondo
3151 Cherokee Street
St. Louis, MO 63118
November 14, 2008 - November 29, 2008
Opening Reception Friday, November 14 from 6-9pm at Fort Gondo.
The Gallery will also be open on Saturdays from 1-4pm.
Liz Long Gallery
Urban Art Retreat
Chicago, IL
December 13, 2008 - January 31, 2009
My dual show is with an artist named Heidi Fox and will be at Spirits in Alton, IL. The WCA Night Out will be Thursday, November 20 beginning at 6:30pm. Come for dinner or drinks and enjoy some art.