Tonight I got home a little before 9:30pm, with strong intentions of doing something productive. I had some papers to read, a class to prepare for, laundry to be done, and dishes to be washed. I also had a press release to write (including figuring out what the heck needs to be in a press release) and that installation project to work on.
I tidied up a bit while chatting on the phone for a short time. Well, really I just hung up part of the big pile of clothes on my bed. After that I sat down and diligently wrote my press release for Contemporary Women Artists XV, which you can read more about earlier in the blog. Before I knew it it was done, and it was quite late. I then decided to work on disassembling the installation in such a way that I can put the whole thing together at the right scale. I need to pack the whole thing up so that I can easily put it all back in its proper place at the Foundry when I install the piece on Monday.
I'm feeling better about this piece. I'm even excited for the exhibition. I am looking forward to installing it. I'm also looking forward to Yolanda Lopez's lecture at the Regional Arts Commission on Thursday, March 4, and then the opening on Friday, March 5. I think that Yolanda's gallery walk lecture will be really interesting. Oh, I'm also excited to spend some one-on-one time with Yolanda when I pick her up from the airport. She's kind of a big deal, so I feel a bit privileged.
Anyway, all of this has added up to it being 3:30am, which is just 4 short hours away from the setting on my alarm clock. I guess I'll bump it up a bit and go in to work a little later. Yes, perhaps. Although there will be plenty to do when I get to the office.
Until next time, enjoy yourself.